Why Age-friendly Cities are so important for the future?

Samstag, 5. Dezember 2020, 10:00 UhrBis 05.12.2020 11:15 Uhr Online , Warschau Veranstaltet von: European Greens

Am 5.12.2020 von 10:00 bis 11:15 Uhr halte ich einen Vortrag für die European Greens über Age-friendly Cities anlässlich des 32. Treffens des Rates der Europäischen Grünen. Hier der Text zum Vortrag:

In Germany, around 30% of all people will be over 65 years of age in 2030, a development that can also be seen in many other European countries. The number of very old people in particular will increase. In order to be prepared for the demographic change, we need excellent concepts, such as the age-friendly concept of the WHO. Examples of Age-friendly cities and communities from different European Countries.

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